Master Plan Concept Drawing
In every home we design and build, the first step is “Planning”. For each new homeowner, we offer a no cost Master Concept Plan that illustrates the dimensions and potential setting of your home. This will be produced in conjunction with our Architect and Landscape Architect and will take into account the slopes, specimen trees, drainage and most desirable driveway approach. Other unique features of your land will be taken into account and you’ll be able to see in black and white how your new home will to take shape. This is a unique service and only available through Brian D Wiggs Homes and his Design Team. Read further to hear more about the planning process.
In building, you often hear things like, ‘The Foundation is the most Important’, and it is true that without a foundation, the balance of the house is likely going to be disappointing. The same theory goes for planning. Without proper planning, the rest of the process will be disappointing. It is The Foundation for the rest of the building process. All too often, people mistakenly think that once they have the floor plans, they are ready to build. And although floor plans are an important element, they are not the first element.
The very first thing that must be considered is how will the house be located on the lot or on the land. There are many considerations at this point in the process. Did you know, that on a standard ½ acre lot nearly 60% of your land is unbuildable? Did you know that the size of driveway widths, are limited by City Jurisdictions? Did you know that in some neighborhoods guest parking is prohibited? Did you know that in many city’s (Tulsa included) that sidewalks are required on every new house built, even if they lead to nowhere. And, if you object, your option is to pay a fee to the City to ‘not have a sidewalk’. Neighborhood covenants and city zoning requirements and Utility easements all have a significant impact on where you can build your home. Wouldn’t it be a good idea to know these things before you start your floor plan?
If you’ve ever known someone with drainage problems in their yard or worse, perhaps you have experienced it yourself, you have to ask was it inevitable or could it have been foreseen. Could it have been prevented with better planning? A Good Flat Lot is often the start of A Good Flat lake in your back yard. So, to avoid problems in the future Proper Planning should be #1 on your “Must Have” list.
In over 30 years of custom home building, I have learned a few things. First, what my Mom taught me is correct “You gotta do your homework”. Mom you were right!
And what my Geography teacher taught me is “Water runs downhill, and when you block water, it creates Lakes”. Lakes are good for recreation, but not so much fun when they show up uninvited.
Another good axiom is “Fences make good neighbors”, but not so much when you place your fence on their property, which is another good question. Do you know where your property lines are? Do you know how to know for sure?
When you consult with Brian D. Wiggs Homes and we agree that we are a good match for your Home Design and Build (more on what makes a good match later), the first thing we do is start the planning. And the good news is the first step is at NO COST to you. Once we agree, we fit, then we will invest our time and efforts to explore these potential problems and illustrate them in black and white on a full-sized architectural drawing. This is the first step to a successful Design Build with Brian D. Wiggs Homes.
So, unlike what we learned in school:
Let me do your homework for you!